Posts in Bugging In
SHTF Condo Security: Beware the Walls When Trouble Comes Knocking

While modern construction comes with a host of pros, structural integrity doesn't usually top the list. One glaring issue with new builds is that many of these units are built on an open-floor concept, reducing the number of concrete walls, while maintaining code through the use of a gypsum firewall. While this no doubt translates to a few pesos off the purchase price, there is a hidden cost that people are beginning to encounter on a more frequent basis. In the face of common criminals or civil unrest, knowing where your security is thinnest could make or break your apartment prepping plan.

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The Urban Prepper's Water Supply: How Much is Really Enough When The SHTF?

In the case of urban preparedness, there are few tenants spoken of more often than food and water. Afterall, the 'Rules of Three' dominate much of this space. We know we need food, but we've got it. Shelter, no problem. Water, however, is just one of those areas that gets looked at topically, especially in an urban environment. But in the event of emergency - where there's a disruption to the water supply - how much is really enough? I mean, truly. Thankfully we're not the only ones asking that question.

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Charting a Path: Map Use for Urban Prepping

In the opening moments of disaster, calculation often goes out the window. This may drive us to recognize the necessities of our plans but lose sight of critical details, such as what we have, what we need, and most importantly, where to go next. While planning is a critical component of urban preparedness - allowing us to rehearse and default - there's no better plan than the one we've mapped out. When in doubt, 'X' marks the spot.

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Peeling Back the Layers on Condo Security

No matter the medium, the pundits will all tell you the same thing about urban survival - you get out or get dead. While I think there's some truth in the statement, the rebar retreat has never been given a fair shake against its rural kin. The city is quick to erupt, so safety is a handsome target. But when we start to peel back the layers of security, it's easy to see that the common condo deserves far more credit than it gets.

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