Posts tagged Water Filtration
The Urban Prepper's Water Supply: How Much is Really Enough When The SHTF?

In the case of urban preparedness, there are few tenants spoken of more often than food and water. Afterall, the 'Rules of Three' dominate much of this space. We know we need food, but we've got it. Shelter, no problem. Water, however, is just one of those areas that gets looked at topically, especially in an urban environment. But in the event of emergency - where there's a disruption to the water supply - how much is really enough? I mean, truly. Thankfully we're not the only ones asking that question.

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Urban Prepping Water Filters: We're Not in Kansas Anymore

While there are countless systems providing full spectrum filtration at home, they leave much to be desired for the road. Whether a trip out of town or a prolonged outage at the municipal treatment plant, we're often pulled to a solution that covers the spread. As a pillar of preparedness, I would imagine you have something tucked away - but is it as simple as throwing a filter in your kit for urban survival?

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