Posts tagged SHTF Blog
SHTF Condo Security: Beware the Walls When Trouble Comes Knocking

While modern construction comes with a host of pros, structural integrity doesn't usually top the list. One glaring issue with new builds is that many of these units are built on an open-floor concept, reducing the number of concrete walls, while maintaining code through the use of a gypsum firewall. While this no doubt translates to a few pesos off the purchase price, there is a hidden cost that people are beginning to encounter on a more frequent basis. In the face of common criminals or civil unrest, knowing where your security is thinnest could make or break your apartment prepping plan.

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The Urban Prepper's ‘Punch List’

No matter your level of preparedness, there are always going to be gaps in the plan. For some, this is a matter of cost or caution. For others, it's space. While these shortcomings can leave you feeling uneasy, keeping a close inventory of the cracks can provide a unique edge during a natural disaster or civil unrest. While others are still trying to make sense of what's coming, skip the math and get ahead of things with a punch list.

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Lights Out: Flashlights for Self-Defense and Urban Prepping

Flashlights are a true wonder. No matter your station in life, there's a time and place for everyone to say their thanks. They brighten dark corners, make sense of wires and pipes, and for the modern warfighter, they are completely indispensable. While many of us carry our flashlights daily, they are often tucked away in wait of a hearty job. But with the advent of ultrabright LED technology, perhaps it's time to consider the flashlight as a firstline companion to self-defense in an urban environment.

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The Urban Prepper's Water Supply: How Much is Really Enough When The SHTF?

In the case of urban preparedness, there are few tenants spoken of more often than food and water. Afterall, the 'Rules of Three' dominate much of this space. We know we need food, but we've got it. Shelter, no problem. Water, however, is just one of those areas that gets looked at topically, especially in an urban environment. But in the event of emergency - where there's a disruption to the water supply - how much is really enough? I mean, truly. Thankfully we're not the only ones asking that question.

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A Nation Together for Preparedness

While preparedness is often highlighted by western governments through the use of preparedness holidays, I can't help but let out a light-hearted chuckle when I see the annual ad drive. It's the usual banter about food, water, and flashlights. But as quickly as it begins, the off-channel messaging ends and we're right back to square one. But what would happen if the educational system started early, if materials were made available by their governments, and people were aligned on everyday preparedness? Well, it would look a lot like South Korea.

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The Importance of Rest

While urban preparedness requires a certain state of readiness, many of us find it hard to switch off. Media consumption, planning, and training all contribute to the success of the day - but like a TV that's always on, burnout becomes a very real possibility. When planning for the long haul, don't forget the preventative maintenance. A little really does go a long way. 

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Charting a Path: Map Use for Urban Prepping

In the opening moments of disaster, calculation often goes out the window. This may drive us to recognize the necessities of our plans but lose sight of critical details, such as what we have, what we need, and most importantly, where to go next. While planning is a critical component of urban preparedness - allowing us to rehearse and default - there's no better plan than the one we've mapped out. When in doubt, 'X' marks the spot.

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On Shotguns: Shotgun Breaching For The Urban Prepper

We've all encountered a locked barrier at some point in our lives. Locked keys in the car? Call roadside assistance. Late night as a teen? There's a basement window for that. At the end of the day, these are all easy fixes with ample opportunity. But in an urban survival scenario where self-rescue is required - and a locked door may hold you or your loved ones firmly in harm's way - a heavy-handed solution may be the only way to safety. If a lockpick or hard kick won't clear a path, perhaps it's time to knock a little louder. Enter the shotgun.

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The Dark Reality of First Aid After the SHTF

There's no denying the importance of first aid in urban survival. Whether a small cut or something worth a call, having the tools to contend with a medical emergency cannot not be understated. But when we push into the dark corners of prolonged disaster, the realities of first aid can become a hard pill to swallow. Tourniquets and bandages be damned, the truth is rather grim.

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Taking The Guesswork Out of Urban Prepping

When met with a high-stress situation, we tend to get a little reptilian in thinking. Stress inoculation and training can take the edge off the action, but trying to recall a world of information is a whole other animal. Detailed plans, instructions, and lists can account for thousands of datapoints - information that is easily be forgotten and lost in the grey. When the details of urban survival are absolute, an educated guess can become a gamble. For pilots and other high performers, there's an easy way to hedge those bets. Make sure it's written down.

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The Nail That Sticks Out Gets Hammered

During a period of civil unrest, you're either a number or a target. No matter how well equipped you or your small group may be for conflict, full battle rattle is going to draw a world of unwanted attention from the hoods and have-nots. That overt plate carrier and camo you're wearing? The city will eventually swallow you whole, thinking you're another cop, criminal, or loot drop. But at what point does our affinity for load bearing equipment or camo become a liability in urban preparedness? With big city problems, I figure it's sooner rather than later. 

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Peeling Back the Layers on Condo Security

No matter the medium, the pundits will all tell you the same thing about urban survival - you get out or get dead. While I think there's some truth in the statement, the rebar retreat has never been given a fair shake against its rural kin. The city is quick to erupt, so safety is a handsome target. But when we start to peel back the layers of security, it's easy to see that the common condo deserves far more credit than it gets.

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Unsung Heroes: The Nail Clipper

There's nothing quite like an afternoon hike - sunshine, fresh air, and the promise of warm shower. While proper footwear can make or break a stroll, wear and tear can become a real bear as the hours stretch to days. For those thinking about bugging out or fighting on, perhaps it's time to consider this small detail of your footcare plan. 

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Your Daily Dose of First Aid For Urban Prepping

While first aid holds an important place in urban survival, many of us continue to focus on the long game. We look solely to the horizon, building out full-scale solutions to face troubled times ahead. But with a world of misadventure just beyond our doors, it's important not to lose sight of the daily unknowns. Whether we like it or not, disaster usually crops up when we're least prepared.

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The Upper Hand of Standalone Optics For Urban Prepping

When the aim of the game is visual observation, a little added detail can go a long way. But unless you're a hunter - two legs or four - standalone optics may not yet have a home. As much as we'd all like to claim perfect vision, the truth is that we could all use a touch of help. So, perhaps it's time to give yourself the added edge and start seeing things a little more clearly.

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Urban Prepping Water Filters: We're Not in Kansas Anymore

While there are countless systems providing full spectrum filtration at home, they leave much to be desired for the road. Whether a trip out of town or a prolonged outage at the municipal treatment plant, we're often pulled to a solution that covers the spread. As a pillar of preparedness, I would imagine you have something tucked away - but is it as simple as throwing a filter in your kit for urban survival?

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